
John Kasich to speak at NAACP but not RNC

The Republican National Convention opens in Cleveland on Monday.


In fact, a few minutes earlier, the committee voted by a 87-12 margin to include rules language specifically stating that delegates were required to vote based on their states’ primary and caucus results. After Bush dropped out following the SC primary, he vowed that he would not vote for Trump and does not plan to attend the Republican National Convention.

Armstrong said that with Trump poised to become the head of the party, “His ideas deserve to be heard”.

“The convention is of course influenced by the primaries; the delegates should always be at least honor-bound, conscience-bound, to follow the outcome of their state’s primary election”, Lee said. Some areas, like American Samoa only get nine delegates, while California boasts the largest number of delegates at 172.

In two days the Republican National Convention begins. “Never Trump is nevermore”.

In a gesture to conservatives, the rules panel voted to create a commission that by 2018 could propose changes to the GOP’s presidential nominating process, which came under intense fire this year. “I think this is wishful talking for people who don’t support Trump, but I don’t think it should be wishful talking and hoping because I think it leads to great trouble”.

She said Pence will know his way around Congress.

“There were many delegates who didn’t come in as Trump delegates but are now avid Trump supporters”.

Rose believes Trump will do well in November throughout downstate IL, noting that he and Cruz each received more votes in Macon County than presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Wisconsin delegate Roger Stauter was succinct: “Mike Pence is a good choice”.

Peter Thiel, PayPal co-founder, may be the first-openly gay speaker featured at a national Republican convention. Trump, as the presumptive nominee, is expected to address the convention Thursday night. “I love Tim, but I think it’s time for him to call it a day”.

But an overwhelming majority of Rules Committee members rebuked Unruh’s proposal on a voice vote Thursday, essentially affirming that the controversial billionaire real estate mogul and reality TV star will be the Republican nominee for president in 2016. But she said she and her allies, citing a belief that they already have a right to vote their conscience, will oppose Trump’s nomination in the gathering’s roll call next week.


“I would not count him out, obviously it would be a challenge to win, but I think he will do very well in MA”, she said.

Tim Tebow