
John Kasich voices support for convention of states, balanced budget amendment

Trump’s slide to second place in Iowa may disrupt the New Hampshire process more than Rubio’s close third-place finish, said Tom Rath, a longtime New Hampshire politico who is advising Kasich.


While other GOP candidates were courting Iowans – who tend to be more socially conservative than their counterparts in New Hampshire – Kasich made the rounds at three town-hall meetings back East.

Tuesday on “The Alan Colmes Show”, Alan spoke with former NY senator Al D’Amato to get his take on the results of the Iowa Caucus and what might happen during the New Hampshire Primary next week.

John Kasich says the political dynamic in New Hampshire is shifting his way – and the expensive negative ads against him prove GOP presidential rivals are “worried”.

“If we get smoked here, I’m going home”, Kasich told reporters during a Bloomberg Politics Breakfast Briefing in New Hampshire.

Colleen Marshall has joined the governor in the New England state and will be bringing you updates from the campaign trail.

Kasich knows how to get things done and has succeeded in doing so in OH and Washington. Like John Kasich, Jon Huntsman was all-in in New Hampshire, too.

In a campaign when most of the Republican hopefuls are as grim as a team of overworked morticians, Kasich remains positive and upbeat. “Then we’re going to Nevada, then we’re going to SC”.

In the last few nationally televised debates, Fiorina has been relegated to the undercard stage for candidates failing to garner the polling numbers required by sponsoring networks to participate. “Nobody has to. I’m not going to tell you fables; I’m not going to tell you fairy tales”. But even if you believe that, try also to understand that Kasich’s campaign is done. Gov. Kasich may well do well in New Hampshire but his appeal is thin to non-existent. But how much of that reputation is making its way to New Hampshire? In 2010, when citizen John Kasich said elect me to be a fire-wall against a second term for President Obama, that turned out to be bombastic bluster at its best. He said after sending Congress a bill to freeze regulations, he’d start a review of “every regulation in the country”. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are less qualified because they have no executive experience.


Donald Trump maintains a wide lead in the Republican primary race in New Hampshire, according to a CNN/WMUR poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center and released Sunday. Several voters had said as recently as Monday they were considering both candidates. Having lived in OH while he was governor, I know him as a union-busting, voting rights-denying, reproductive rights-restricting fracking enthusiast.

Screenshot of Gov. John Kasich on'On the Record With Greta Van Susteren