
Johnny Manziel indicted in alleged attack on ex-girlfriend

Looks like the lights have shut down on a troubled Johnny Manziel after a Dallas grand jury indicted him Thursday for domestic violence filed against him by ex-girlfriend Colleen Crowley.


Manziel was officially indicted Tuesday on a misdemeanor assault charge related to family violence.

The indictment for a class-A misdemeanor charged Manziel with hitting Crowley and forcing her into a auto.

Cleveland cut him in March after two years of erratic play on the field and an off-the-field lifestyle that led to a trip to a rehabilitation center after his first season.

Dallas police spoke to Crowley, interviewed witnesses and inspected medical records but took the unusual step of asking the district attorney’s office to present the case to a grand jury. The ex-girlfriend told officers that she and Manziel shouted angrily at each other, going back and forth during the drive, and that he struck her several more times. We will produce Johnny and we will pay the bond.

David Finn, a Dallas attorney and former judge, predicted the sides would reach a deal, with Manziel possibly agreeing to undergo some kind of counseling or rehab.

Brittany Dunn, a spokeswoman for the Dallas County district attorney’s office, previously declined to confirm media reports Monday that Manziel had been indicted. VIDEO: Johnny Manziel partying in MiamiThe two eventually drove to where her vehicle was parked in front of a Dallas bar, she said in an affidavit.

Crowley alleged she and Manziel had a confrontation in the hotel room that eventually continued downstairs to the valet station. Crowley and Manziel broke up in December after dating for two years and living together in Cleveland. Manziel agreed to the order, which is in effect until February 3, 2018, and which mandates Manziel must have no contact with Crowley and has to remain at least 500 feet from her residence. Manziel is expected to plead not guilty, and his lawyer is confident he “will be acquitted at the conclusion of the case”. The Grand Jury’s review of Mr. Manziel’s case has resulted in a “true bill”, which means that there was probable cause found that Mr. Manziel committed a Family Violence Assault against the complainant.


The second agent, Drew Rosenhaus, has one of the largest groups of clients in the NFL.

Johnny Manziel faces assault charges in Texas