
Johnson criticizes opponent Russ Feingold from RNC stage

In it, Johnson lists the locations of recent attacks, including Nice, France, and concludes by saying “the world is simply too dangerous” to elect Feingold.


Wisconsin delegates will have some of the best seats in the house at the Republican National Convention this week – right in front of the stage – and they’ll recognize a lot of the people who are going to be speaking at the podium. Johnson is now on the Foreign Relations Committee and serves as chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, so a national security debate would be…. lively, to say the least.

In a conference call Tuesday, Democrats criticized Johnson’s decision to speak to the convention that will nominate NY businessman Donald Trump for president. Ron Johnson’s bid to beat Democrat Russ Feingold has made a shift in ad strategy. “What’s troubling is that Johnson is ready to put the safety of our country into the hands of a reality TV star, and as a mayor of a major American city I can tell you that there are real threats”.

An updated convention program released Sunday has Johnson scheduled to speak Tuesday. Johnson still failed to offer any real plan to defeat ISIS and keep Americans safe in response to Russ’ tough, smart plan even after revising his ad. The campaign attempted to suspend it Thursday night until this week, but it still ran in three media markets Friday.

In the ad, Johnson points to Feingold’s votes on various security-related bills during his 18 years in the Senate, saying he cast the lone no vote “when Congress gave law enforcement the tools to help stop worldwide terror”.

Johnson is expected to campaign in Wisconsin Monday, and then return for more campaigning after his Tuesday speech.

On Wednesday, Governor Scott Walker (R-WI) will speak about “Making America First Again”.

Johnson had indicated last week that he planned to skip the Cleveland convention.


The National Republican Senatorial Committee was due to go up with ads in August and September in Wisconsin.

Johnson changes mind, will speak at GOP national convention