
JoJo Fletcher’s Suitor Chad A Black Sheep In The Group?

Of course, Chad is saved for the final rose and he gets it, which meant that Ali, Christian and Nick B. were without a rose and sent home on The Bachelorette 2016!


ABC airs new episodes of “The Bachelorette” Monday nights.

We all know Chad Johnson as a contestant on The Bachelorette season 4, but most of us prefer calling him “The Bachelorette Villain”.

He took it to new heights to the point that the other contestants’ perceived threat of violence from him resulted in a security guard being onsite at all times. Can they reach the finale without going their separate ways? Fletcher eliminated Chad Johnson on the two-on-one date, but viewers watched as he headed back to the resort where the other men were. He’s asked them to stop and they won’t. I’m a fan of the show, and the idea of doing this as a group date just seemed so fun and smart to me. Chad denies these claims and says that all of the problems stem from his beef with Evan. Having two dates like this in one season will be a first for the franchise. When they passed each other in the aisle, Chad pulled Evan’s shirt. Evan seems to think JoJo has to make a decision about this, but she doesn’t owe him anything at all. This tells a lot about Chad Johnson’s wealth and how he makes his livelihood! Is anyone else wondering what might go down at the two-on-one date that would lead to such an interesting predicament?

Group Date: According to Reality Steve, Chase, Luke, Alex, Derek, Grant, Evan, James T, and Wells go on a date with JoJo, but it’s not clear what they do or who gets the group date rose.

Daniel: “Did you want to punch Evan last night? Is this a real scenario right now?” You know, talking like, you know, two guys, right?

“Are you trying to insinuate that I’m stupid, Jordan?”. “Don’t be disrespectful. I don’t like that”. I was, to be honest with you, nearly a little creeped out…

James Taylor earned the invite for the other one-on-one date, which involved swing dancing. That was the cue for mega-smooching, which continued even when Luke and JoJo were standing on a platform in front of a large crowd watching some country duo named Dan + Shay sing a song. You want to make sure you look great on camera. “He follows me around the entire house…”

“Look whatever guy like me stole your girlfriend, it wasn’t me”. I don’t do anything unless it is in retaliation. “I won’t start anything, but I will finish it”. I can understand if they don’t want to wash the dishes, but have they not heard of a trash can? Maguire advises him to “use a cooler head and some logic and reasoning”. At the rose ceremony, Wells Adams is said to be left without a rose as well.

We learn that everyone is now leaving the house to go to…Pennsylvania. Ok. “This is your chance to go settle it… think about an approach that might be received well”. Actually, aren’t we told to walk away from fights?


Cut to the end of the show and preview clips of someone bleeding and another’s bloody eye. What was ABC promoting this week’s shows as?

Here's What It's Really Like to Go on a Date on The Bachelorette