
Jon Snow on Game of Thrones teaser poster

Real life Channel 4 news reporter Jon Snow was not impressed by the latest rumours that he was to make a return to Game of Thrones, renouncing all knowledge of it’s existence.


A poster released by HBO on Twitter seemed to answer their hopes: it pictures Snow, the lord commander of the Night’s Watch, albeit with his eyes downcast and blood spattering his face. HBO knows to keep its fans on the edge of their seats by giving them a taste of what’s to come in the upcoming season 6.

Aside from the teasing image of breathing, living Jon Snow, the poster officially confirms the month of the release of Game of Thrones, which is of course in April.

Fair play to Game of Thrones, they’ve kept the charade up a long time.

Earlier this year, eagle-eyed fans spotted Harington in North Ireland where parts of season six were being filmed.

Little slips from fellow cast members in interviews have also fueled the fire, but HBO and the show s creators have enjoyed toying with fans, always avoiding the question and keeping Harington out of fan-events. It was a bit of torture to fans as Snow was seemingly killed off in the Season 5 finale, but as you all know, on a fantasy show like Game of Thrones death is not finite. Even previous theories about Jon Snow’s resurrection have resurfaced including the Bran theory, in which he uses weirwood sap to bring back his brother, and the Melisandre theory.


His tragic demise was lamented, but readers of Martin s books immediately suggested the character could be returning, albeit through otherworldly means.

'Game Of Thrones' Teaser Poster Features Jon Snow Alive