
Jon Stewart signs off from ‘The Daily Show’ with a look back

Last night was Jon Stewart’s penultimate episode as host of the “The Daily Show” – “It’s the one that everyone will probably forget!” – so with such little time left at the desk, Stewart turned reflective about the show’s achievements, or lack thereof. “All of us are better at our jobs because we got to watch you do yours”. (Make note that Springsteen was the most New Jersey way Stewart – who is unabashedly of the Garden State – could have ended his show.).


Some of Stewart’s comedy targets appeared in cameos to get in a final word.

Since then, Stewart, whose handful of extracurricular activities include writing and directing the 2014 drama “Rosewater“, has kept relatively quiet about his plans, except to say that he intends to spend more time with his family.

Former Daily Show writer Wyatt Cenac had a slightly awkward moment with Jon Stewart when he accused his former boss of saying “F– off. I’m done with you”, after he challenged a comedy bit.

After 16 years hosting the US talkshow program, and almost 2600 editions, in a few hours Stewart, 52, will present his final episode.

Of course, Stewart has many detractors as well – people who say he took cheap shots and showed too much of a progressive point of view. “In fact, if you’re still walking around with a belly full of viscera, know this – we didn’t forget you”.

And a Minneapolis ad agency, Fallon, took us down a memory lane of Stewart slams against the restaurant chain with a commercial that aired during “The Daily Show” this week.

An extended opening featured all of the correspondents/cast members, culminating in an appearance by, and poignant tribute from, Stephen Colbert – the ultimate grad made good who moved on to “The Colbert Report” and will soon replace David Letterman as host of CBS’ “The Late Show“.

There were also many videotaped farewells from major politicians and news pundits, including Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Chris Christie, John Kerry, Bill O’Reilly, and John McCain, all of whom insulted Stewart and were happy about his departure.

Called the “Jon Voyage” tour, Stewart’s finale capped an all-day marathon of classic Daily Show episodes on Comedy Central. If it’s gotten easier to spot, it’s partly because of him: because Stewart, over 16 years, has sat down with us and gradually gone over the instructions to build our own detectors. “And I’m sure I’ll see you guys before I leave”.

Jon Stewart had Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band close out his last show.

“The thing I’m going to miss most about this place is the people I work with”, Stewart said as he introduced the segment, getting choked up again.

“I’m a neurotic bastard”, Stewart said. “And perhaps eczema”, Stewart said to the crowd.


“When he is going on all cylinders that show could be absolutely breath-taking and really informative and important to the civic conversation”, said Robert Thompson, director of Syracuse University’s Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture.

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