
Josh Groban Sings Donald Trump Tweets On “Jimmy Kimmel”

Donald Trump is apparently a masterful songwriter. “I’m Josh Groban, and I have the voice of an angel”.


It’s almost impossible to make fun of Donald Trump, only because the leading Republican nominee for President does such a stellar job of acting like a living, breathing parody at all times.

Which is why it was a stroke of genius for Jimmy Kimmel to pair the two up for what is certainly a memorable ballad.

The talk show bit had Groban appear in a mock commercial for his fake new album, “Josh Groban’s The Best Tweets of Donald Trump”.

Singer Josh Groban made an appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Kimmel where the star was tasked with singing some of Trump’s most classic insults.


It’s kind of fantastic how Trump’s already ridiculous tweets are even more hilarious with the inflection, cadence and emotion that Groban puts behind them. We aren’t going to speculate, but we guess this tweet says a lot…

Josh Groban