
Jubilant Palestinians Hand Out Candy to Celebrate Deadly Attack in Beer Sheva

Police say the missing 15-year-old from Gaylord has been found. The Amber Alert has been canceled.


The Oceana County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a deadly sand dune accident.

Zarhum’s attackers could still be charged with assault or even with a more serious charge, causing serious bodily harm, and Mordechai Kremnitzer, a noted expert on Israeli law, told Ha’aretz earlier this week that “even if someone is already dying and the blows only hasten his death, that is sufficient basis for a charge of manslaughter, and if there was an intention to kill, it could also constitute murder”. The investigation uncovered her son’s adherence to a new terror movement called Al-Sabirin, that was recently established in the Gaza Strip by Iran and Hizballah after they decided that the radical Hamas which rules enclave and the Islamic Jihad had become too conformist and lost their edge as potent terrorist movements for fighting Israel.

The first new Pure Michigan Byway is in Northern Michigan.

An Eritrean asylum seeker mistaken for a terrorist during a terror attack Sunday night in Beersheba died from his gunshot wounds, and not the beating he received from a mob, Negev subdistrict police said Wednesday, after receiving the autopsy results.

A woman with ties to the Upper Peninsula died in Maryland.

A second man was shot and wounded by security forces but he is believed to be an Eritrean immigrant not involved in the attack.

Footage from the aftermath of the attack showed broken panels of glass and blood on the floor following the incident. Roadblocks were deployed at all exits to Beersheba after eyewitnesses reported seeing a vehicle speed away from the scene.

The Israel’s internal security agency were able to identify the Beersheva attacker as Mohind al-Okbi. He urged them to refrain from making generalized accusations in the diverse, though predominantly Jewish, city. The police did not dismiss the possibility of an accomplice who would have helped him carry on the attack.

The attack, at the central bus station in the southern city of Beersheba, was among the bloodiest in a monthlong wave of violence. “The police were there and they did nothing to stop it”.

“We utterly and unreservedly condemn this despicable act and reject violence of any sort”, said Mohammed al-Nabari, mayor of Hura.

Kerry is also expected to meet with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan’s King Abdullah somewhere in the Middle East, possibly in Jordan.


Israel’s Interior Ministry identified the man as Haptom Zerhom, an Eritrean in his late 20s. The clashes were fueled by Palestinian allegations that Israel seeks to change the status quo banning Jewish prayer at the site, allegations Israel denies.
