
Judge Orders Clinton to Answer Written Questions in E-Mail Case

Emmet Sullivan declined to order Clinton to testify in person in a case brought by the conservative group Judicial Watch.


Of course, even assuming Powell made such a comment, he certainly did not have in mind that Hillary would establish a private server in her home, and Powell in his documented comments on the use of private email was clear to specify it was only for unclassified material. It also recommended no charges against her, although director James Comey called her use of private email “extremely careless”.

“[Powell] did write former Secretary Clinton an email memo describing his use of his personal AOL email account for unclassified messages and how it vastly improved communications within the State Department”, Powell’s representative said.

While the judge said the Democratic presidential candidate won’t have to do that, he did rule she must provide written responses to the group’s questions in the matter, which are due by mid-October.

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Judge Sullivan’s ruling opened another front in a fight Clinton’s campaign certainly hoped to put behind her.

Significantly, perhaps, he ordered Clinton to submit her answers within 30 days of that deadline, meaning she could delay her answers until after the election.

In a freakish twist in the running sore that is the ongoing email server scandal, the notes of the Federal Bureau of Investigation interview with Hillary Clinton, released in redacted form to Congress, revealed that the Democratic presidential candidate blamed Colin Powell for the arrangement. Comey’s comments centered entirely on whether Hillary deliberately meant to compromise national security when she set up the server and then used it for nearly all of her State Department business.

Judicial Watch lawyers outlined their questions in a July filing that sought to depose Clinton after its previous interviews with seven current and former State Department employees yielded little answers as to why she set up the server and whether the State Department conducted an adequate search of its records for the foundation’s Freedom of Information Act request. “At the time, there was no equivalent system within the Department”.

The watchdog group asked “permission to depose Clinton; the Director of Office of Correspondence and Records of the Executive Secretariat (“S/ES-CRM”) Clarence Finney; and [former Director of Informatio Resource Management of the Executive Secretariat (“S/ES-IRM”) John] Bentel”.


Powell issued the statement after veteran political journalist Joe Conason released an excerpt from his upcoming book about Bill Clinton that recounts a 2009 dinner party for Hillary Clinton hosted by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Clinton used an unsecured email server for all messages, classified or not, exposing national security secrets to any hacker who would care to look. Bentel and his lawyer have declined to comment on the episode.

Hillary Clinton must instead respond in writing within 30 days to questions submitted by Judicial Watch a group that has long been critical of her conduct