
Judge says Kane hasn’t formally requested “Porngate” emails

Yet unnamed or shadowy authorities come after her. And, in the process of building a crescendo of pressure on Montgomery County DA Risa Vetri Ferman to file charges against Kane, prejudicial information about the proceedings of that Grand Jury are leaked to the very same media at the center of the case against Kane.


Others were involved in the emails beyond those who have been publicly disclosed, Kane said.

“It’s all attorney general property”, Castille said Wednesday in an interview. “She can release all that stuff”.

At virtually every turn Kane has done a hippopotamus stomp across the truth, always at the expense of her own stature and that of her office. “It has nothing to do with (prosecutors’) 42-page affidavit, nothing to do with the testimony of the people who appeared before the grand jury”.

Now comes Kane, with an assertion that her legal problems are the result of men determined to hide their pornography habits.

No one answered the phone Wednesday at the chambers of the judge supervising the grand jury, William Carpenter.

Patrick Reese, her driver has been charged with contempt as well for allegedly going against an order of the court by looking at emails using a state computer system in order to keep tabs on the investigations of the grand jury. Kane asked the disciplinary board to halt any action until Carpenter authorizes her to release the emails.

Kane made some unsettling disclosures this Wednesday at a press assembly however failed to present the required solutions to key questions on the felony expenses she presently faces.

The same rule states that employees who are convicted on work-related criminal charges “shall be terminated”. Kane was indicted on charges that she leaked grand jury information, lied to a grand jury about it, then actively took part in a plot to cover it up. The investigation did not lead to charges against J. Wyatt Mondesire, a political activist and former president of the Philadelphia chapter of the NAACP.

“I intend to try to remind Montgomery County people that I was District Attorney before and that I did the job personally”. The Daily News published its story about the Mondesire grand jury probe June 6, 2014.

Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Her statement was “a desperate ploy and, frankly, another abuse of her office”. The Morning Call filed the second public records request.

Where she could have merely shrugged about the abandoned sting case and said she thought it bad policy for the government to create crimes in order to prosecute them, she instead insisted it was racist.


On September 19, Krumenacker sided with Kane and lifted the temporary stay preventing the emails’ release. Kane has urged Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas Judge William Carpenter to release the e-mails, but he didn’t respond to Kane’s public request.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane looks down as she reads a statement during a news conference Wednesday Aug. 12 2015 at the state Capitol in Harrisburg Pa