
Judge shoots down 29 would-be heirs to Prince’s estate

Tyka Nelson listed six siblings as heirs to Prince’s estate.


In all, district court judge Kevin W. Eide eliminated 29 people from the inheritance running, and cleared the way for a relative few to undergo genetic testing to determine heirship to the singer, who according to court papers did not leave a will.

Prince died abruptly from what the medical examiner determined was a toxic drug overdose.

The number of potential heirs seeking millions from the vast estate of late musician Prince was cut down by a judge Friday, from almost 30 down to just a handful.

In court records released on Friday (29Jul16) and obtained by Reuters, Judge Eide dismissed claims from 29 individuals, including Claire Boyd, who alleged she was married to the rock star, but records of their union were being kept secret by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.

The musician, born as Prince Rogers Nelson, has always been identified in public records as the only surviving son from the marriage between Mattie Della Shaw and John L. Nelson, both of whom are now dead.

Tyka Nelson, Prince’s sister, and his half-siblings, John, Norinne and Sharon Nelson, as well as their descendants, Brianna Nelson and Victoria Nelson, will now have to submit to DNA testing to ensure they’re related to Prince.

It is unclear why the judge did not order testing for Omar Baker or Alfred Jackson, two men who were listed as half-brothers in the original petition for the court to name a special administrator to the estate. Brianna Nelson alleges her late father, Duane J. Nelson, was Prince’s half-brother.

A DNA test has already ruled out a Colorado prison inmate who claimed to be Prince’s son.

Among those claimants was Venita Jackson Leverette, whose lawyer James Selmer called the judge’s decision “a travesty” and said he is considering an appeal.

Eide ruled that two women who claim to be a niece and grand-niece of Prince made a strong enough case to being potential heirs that they would undergo genetic testing as well.

“The better course would be to allow people that have a plausible connection to him to have a blood test.”


Numerous 29 people underwent DNA testing to prove their relationship to Prince. The Huffington Post shares as to the claims about a different father of the star, which would then mean a whole other family would have access to stakes. Franks says Williams was let go after showing a doctor’s note verifying the marijuana was for medicinal purposes.

Carver County judge narrows list of potential Prince heirs