
‘Jurassic Park’ Reimagined with High Heels Is wonderful – Web LOLs

The most popular subject after the release of “Jurassic World” wasn’t the Indominus Rex or star Chris Pratt, but rather the heels leading lady Bryce Dallas Howard wore throughout the entire movie.


But as those people made valid arguments concerning logistics, misogyny and more (we even talked to director Colin Trevorrow about it here), what wasn’t happening was the opposite.

This week, Jurassic World passed Marvel’s The Avengers to become the highest grossing movie of all time, right behind Avatar and Titantic. Though we suppose that might just be because the dinos are slowed down by their high heels too…

But regardless of that, here is something parties on either side of the debate can agree on – every single character in the Jurassic film franchise in high heels.

XVP Comedy, a group of filmmakers in Chicago, seemed to take Claire’s plight to heart.


Now that Jurassic World sits only behind Avatar and Titanic in worldwide box office numbers, its sequel-er, I mean Jurassic Park’s fourth sequel, actually, right?-will officially stomp into theaters on June 22, 2018.

Everyone in 'Jurassic Park' wears high heels - Business Insider