
Just Cause 3: Developer vows to deliver the goods after launch issues

But alas, the reports are true and many have confirmed it. I bought a PlayStation 4 copy, so can’t comment directly on the PC version.


“We know that some of you are encountering some technical issues – we’re looking into them all and we’re fully committed to providing you the best possible experience”, the developer said in a post on the Steam info page (via Ars Technica).

For what it’s worth, Avalanche Studios and Square Enix are acknowledging problems, but this is immediately countered with word that there’s no set date for a patch that attempts to fix these issues.

Just Cause 3 was released on December 1, with reception being generally positive (read Adam’s review here) but fans have complained about several bugs which appear to be present within the PC version. The post goes on to say that the developers need more time to recreate the issues players are uncovering, a necessary process if those problems are to be permanently rectified. Much akin to other blockbuster titles released this year with similar technical problems, the spokesman starts by thanking everyone for ensuring the success of their game.

Just Cause 3 is out – and according to those who revel in wanton destruction of physically-based, virtual worlds, it’s a riot. Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is another game that launched with an incredible amount of bugs, but to CD Projekt RED‘s credit, it wasted no time rolling out one patch after another to fix things as quickly as possible.


Following criticism of Just Cause 3’s performance and stability on PC. In the case of Batman, the game performed so poorly that Warner Bros. took the game off the Steam store for months until it could be fixed. Is there even a likelihood that publishers will even consider delaying more games? Just Cause 3’s user review score now sits at “mixed” on Valve’s digital game store, a status no developer wants to see.
