
Justice League Movie Image From Zack Snyder Teases Team

Hours after the announcement, Zack Snyder – who is staying aboard the DC Comics movie train as director for Justice League – hung around the studio’s warehouse and posted a picture on Twitter with Jason Mamoa, the Game of Thrones alum set to play Aquaman and who will totally rock at it. While discussing Batman v Superman, Zack Snyder toldUSA Today, “I love Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman, but having Flash and Aquaman and Cyborg and to see them all standing together, it’s a pretty dorky and cool experience for me”. The shooting will come a little over two weeks after the world premiere of Dawn of Justice on March 25 and will be directed by Dawn of Justice and Man of Steel’s helmer, Zack Snyder.


In the foreground, it is very evident that Ben Affleck’s Batman cowl will remain short-eared in Justice League Part One, but more enticing is what is behind them. (With no known ties to the current hit “The Flash” series on The CW.) Presumably, next to the Flash costume is Aquaman armor. But what will his trademark red costume look like?

And before that is a blinding black costume.


Amid a report from HitFix that states Warner anxious about the quality of Batman v Superman and what it might mean for the DC slate moving forward, the studio is still going ahead with Justice League. With easily as many (or more) statements being made that Warner Bros. Set to be played by Amber Heard, it’s up to you whether you think the blurry mess looks like her or not. While the Marvel Cinematic Universe gave each of the Avengers their own movie before creating the team-up event, only Superman and Wonder Woman will have received their own solo film prior to the release of Justice League: Part One, and only Batman is expected to have any significant screen time beyond that.

DC Comics