
Justice League teaser trailer gets a push by The White Stripes

The film stars Ben Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne, and he’s assembling a team to protect the Earth. There’s a glimpse of The Flash’s powers, Cyborg’s full costume, and Aquaman looking damn majestic as waves crash down on him. After watching this trailer I am much more optimistic about Snyder’s third DC outing though, so here’s hoping the finished film is just as entertaining as this clip.


As if seeing Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Henry Cavill, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller and Ray Fisher all sitting together wasn’t enough – then they played the sizzle reel, which is incredible.

Though it will certainly boost anticipation for Justice League, all of this inevitably comes at the expense of its predecessor; with any illusion of dramatic tension in Batman v. Superman’s finale fast dissipating. It looks better than the previous version in the series which is Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Already, we’ve seen our first look at Wonder Woman and now they’ve dropped the first teaser trailer for their next juggernaut, Zack Synder’s Justice League. “I hear you can talk to fish”.

It’s not really the movie, but it gives you a good idea of what the movie will look like. But what we found to be the most entertaining was the scene between Bruce Wayne and The Flash. Last we saw Man of Steel he went down fighting Doomsday and in the end of movie a memorial is held for Superman in Metropolis. The film will find Batman and Wonder Woman recruiting the members of the Justice League to fight their greatest enemy to date.


It’s the latest sign of Warners’ shift in direction after the so-so response to the DC Universe launchpad that was BvS that includes the upcoming franchise pic Suicide Squad.

SDCC 2016 First Released Footage From WB’s Justice League