
Justice League ups Ben Affleck to executive producer

His new duties include working with director Zack Snyder and screenwriter Chris Terrio on the script and weighing in on post-production.


(facebook/batmanvsuperman)Ben Affleck, Batman and Gal Gadot, Wonder Woman in a scene of the movie “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice”. With Affleck taking charge on his own upcoming standalone, it makes sense that his role will continue to expand. He’s proven his writing and directing abilities on such hit films as Gone Baby Gone, The Town and Argo. If the rumors of Momoa’s cameo is indeed true, then it could mean that the other characters from the Justice League, The Flash (Ezra Miller) and the Cyborg (Ray Fisher) will also feature in the movie. It can only help Synder, and the proposed Batman movie that Affleck will direct at some point. It also suggests that Batman might be lurking somewhere nearby with Superman in tow.


Warner Bros. and DC were truly expecting this to be the big-time launch of their comic book movie franchise and expectations were easily at the $1 billion mark. Ben Affleck, already set to co-star in the film, has signed on to become its executive producer as well. The film is set for June 2017 release. However it is not clear if Henry Cavill will be returning as Superman after starring opposite Affleck in the current Batman/Superman offering, Batman vs Superman. He has teamed with DC’s Geoff Johns to write the solo Batman film and the duo have creative control to make of it what they want and what the fans want.

Batman vs Superman