
“Justice League” & “Wonder Woman” Trailers Cause Comic-Con Frenzy

Warner Bros. Pictures stated that “Wonder Woman” would release in cinemas around the world next summer, fans should be excited that Gal Gadot will be returning as the title character. The pilot tells of a massive conflict raging in the outside world and Diana leaves her home, convinced she can stop the threat.


But Wonder Woman has her own trailer out as well, as she’s finally given her own solo movie called, well, “Wonder Woman”.

As the superhero movie revolution has taken over geek fandom and Hollywood, Saturday has become the day for big reveals from Marvel and DC Comics at San Diego Comic-Con.

We also get glimpses of Wonder Woman, Cyborg and Aquaman. while Superman remains MIA, after he kinda died at the end of the last film.

The movie stars Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince and Chris Pine as Steve Trevor. The effects are awesome, and the slow-motion shot of Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman leaping into action is just ideal. Wonder Woman looks stunned and says: “You’re a man”, to which he replies, “Yeah, do I not look like one?”

‘I wanted to portray this character in a way that everyone could relate to.

Wonder Woman co-stars Robin Wright, Connie Nielsen and Lucy Davis. As a matter of fact, she states that it has been a different experience from all of her previous film endeavors, thanks to director Patty Jenkins. But Wonder Woman arguably has a lot more riding on it.

Wonder Woman will open in theaters June 2, 2017.


Snyder and the cast flew in from London to tease “Justice League”, which is now in production and not set to hit theaters until November 2017. She will star alongside Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Ezra Miller, Ray Fisher, and Jason Momoa in the Zack Snyder-directed film.

First Wonder Woman trailer debuts at SDCC John Stewart