
Justice – Safe And Sound | Stream

That bouncy bassline and keyboard are typical elements of music of that era, and it’s incredible to see them being used in modern electronic music so cleanly.


It’s been five years Justice blessed the world with their funky brand of French electro.

The single initially surfaced during the Sónar Festival DJ set of Busy P, aka Pedro Winter of Justice’s label Ed Banger Records, but made its official debut on Annie Mac’s BBC Radio 1 show this afternoon.

It turns out the whole thing was true, Justice’s new single is called “Safe And Sound”, and marks the duo’s return since releasing their live album “Access All Arenas”. Light streams like water around the cross as the rest of the song plays through. Suddenly, a funk-heavy slap bass and dance-infused drumbeat appears and carries the 6 minute dance track to completion.

Quickly identified as “Safe And Sound”, the tune was the ideal mixture of nostalgic and fresh in all the right Justice-infused ways – rich, funky guitar riffs proceeded by an addictive chorus line belted by a choir (which Gaspard later explained was an English choir – “something fun and new”). It’s been a long wait for Justice fans, but the new track should rekindle their spirits, and give hope that the new album-which has yet to be given a release date-will arrive soon.


Ultimately, you can find hints of both Cross and Audio, Video, Disco in the new track.
