
Kaine asks if Trump would stand up to Russian cyberattack

At a campaign event in Erie, Pennsylvania, Kaine said voters had “simple questions” for people running for the nation’s highest office. Tim Kaine said, linking what he described as an insufficient doctor’s note, reportedly written in five minutes by a personal physician, Dr. Harold Bornstein, to Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns or shed light more light on his financial dealings overseas.


While Kaine’s running mate, Hillary Clinton, has faced controversy regarding foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation, Kaine described Trump’s dealings with Russian Federation and China as problematic. Kaine went after Trump for almost 20 minutes, among his most sustained remarks yet on the rival campaign.

“Do you think that a main who has talked about restructuring North Atlantic Treaty Organisation has the interest of our allies.” said Kaine, “He has shown his lack of understanding on world affairs”. “We are entitled to get the information and get to the bottom of this cozy bromance between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin”, Kaine said.

Kaine sought to connect the issue to Trump’s decision not to release any tax returns, indicating that those documents could prove where Trump has financial interests in foreign countries that could stand in conflict with any of his potential actions in the White House.

“When he was challenged on it, he said, ‘Well, I was just trying to be amusing.’ That guy has a weird sense of humor – encouraging Russian cyberattacks on the American political process?” “Well, that’s just a laugh riot isn’t it?”

“Donald Trump, well I don’t think it’s fair to say that’s he’s issued any kind of a health report”, he continued, reading excerpts of the Trump doctor note, amid laughter from the audience. Tim Kaine, D-Virginia, will meet with military families in Pensacola on Thursday during an event that will not be open to the general public, the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign said Tuesday.

“Hillary Clinton is one tough and one healthy person”, he said.

Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine spent Wednesday campaigning in our area.

On Tuesday, Kaine started his day in Erie, speaking at the Bayfront Convention Center, followed by an appearance at the Boys and Girls Club in Lancaster.

Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, the party’s vice-presidential nominee, appeared here at the Hispanic Center of Lehigh Valley, where he helped serve lunches to seniors and stopped by several tables, chatting in Spanish.


Kaine’s visit comes on the heels of a new NBC News|Survey Monkey Tracking Poll that has Clinton’s lead against Trump shrinking to 6 points nationwide.

Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Tim Kaine D-Va. speaks during a policy discussion event with the press before a meeting with Florida mayors at Southwest Focal Point Senior Center in Pembroke Pines Fla. Saturday Aug. 27 2016. AP  PTI