
Kaine: I’ve Been for the Hyde Amendment, Haven’t Changed Position

The most-tweeted moment of Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech: “A man who you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons”.


Abortion, though, remains a point of difference between the pair.

Host Alisyn Camerota asked Kaine if he was “for or against” the Hyde amendment, which prohibits the use of taxpayer funds for elective abortion procedures.

Hinojosa said Kaine has a good relationship with Texas.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, along with her Vice President candidate Tim Kaine began a bus campaign that will take them through economically struggling regions of Pennsylvania and Ohio.

“I haven’t changed my position on that”, he reiterated.

Tim Kaine can play the harmonica.

Tapper pressed Kaine, saying Mook told CNN otherwise. “She is ready to win, and she is ready to lead”, Kaine said.

Kaine’s remarks come only days after joining Clinton in calling for a repeal of the amendment.

That Pennsylvania is considered a presidential battleground state is a testament to the demographic and political shifts that Trump intends to exploit.

“Believe me. Believe me”, he bellowed. “I have traditionally been a supporter of the Hyde Amendment, but I’ll check it out”.

Kaine’s interview will likely rattle pro-choice groups who have expressed reservations about his nomination. Kaine was governor of Virginia from 2006 to 2010.

Kaine, a former Virginia governor who now represents the state in the U.S. Senate, opened his speech – his first in prime time – by noting that his son Nat is a Marine who just deployed to “defend the very North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies that Donald Trump now says he would abandon”.

“I don’t know anything about his sanity”. Yet Kaine’s nomination concerned some activists who pointed to his time as Virginia governor.

Twenty years ago, Kaine would go on to win that race by a margin of only 94 votes.

“I guess I’ve got to acknowledge I do have a slightly goofy quality”, he continued.

Kaine, a former Virginia governor, also criticized Trump’s seeming invitation last week for Russian Federation to hack into USA servers and find Clinton’s missing emails – a comment Trump later said was sarcastic.


“Tim Kaine is like a dad trying to roast someone in the form of the silliest dad joke of all time”, joked Anna Herod.

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