
Kaine rips Trump over call for Russian hackers to target Clinton

Trump, who now gets government intelligence briefings, suggested on Wednesday that Russian Federation could help find emails known to have been deleted from Clinton’s private server when she was the secretary of state on the grounds that they were personal. You take a look at what was said in those e-mails, it’s disgraceful.


Trump said in a free-wheeling Wednesday press conference that he hoped the Russian government had accessed emails from Clinton’s server and that he would “like to have them released”.

The Clinton campaign called Trumps statement the “first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against a political opponent.”.

“I’d like to see Manafort’s tax returns, not just Trump’s”, Dean said.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but they’re all tweeting about Donald Trump and stuff”.

Konstantin von Eggert, a commentator and host for the opposition-leaning news channel TV Rain, says Russia’s leadership has reasons for seeing a Trump presidency as a win-win situation. “His client, his person deleted 33,000 emails illegally”.

What do you think you’re making us look like right now, Mr. Trump?

Trump told Fox News on Thursday that he was “of course” being sarcastic. “That statement was sarcastic, it was a joke, it was, ‘hey, go get them if you can get them'”.

Trump’s comments came days after Wikileaks released thousands of internal Democratic National Committee emails that are believed to have been stolen by hackers allied with Russian Federation. The committee is supposed to be neutral.

According to The Hill on July 28, Trump might have violated federal law due to his recent comments. “I don’t know who Putin is”, Trump said at the Florida news conference.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”, Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, told reporters.

The Washington Post and Wall Street Journal published editorials slamming GOP nominee Donald Trump about his comments Wednesday inviting Russian hackers to sleuth out the thousands of emails missing from her private server.


Clinton past year gave the State Department roughly 30,000 work-related emails from the private storage device she used while serving as secretary. She handed over thousands of emails in 2015 to United States officials probing that system, but did not release about 30,000 deleted emails she said were personal and not work-related.

Menendez: Trump's Russia hacking comments 'act of treason'