
Kaine’s mission: Win over skeptical liberals in VP speech

Trump dismissed the suggestion in a tweet: “The joke in town is that Russian Federation leaked the disastrous DNC emails, which should never have been written (stupid), because Putin likes me”. “He really scares me”.


There are now 4,763 total delegates, and 712 of them are superdelegates.

Mrs Clinton has 2,814 when including superdelegates, according to an Associated Press count.

That grounded approach has helped explain Kaine’s appeal in swing-state Virginia, where he served as governor from 2006 to 2010 and was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2012. “She’s got a lot of experience and I can’t stand Trump”, she said.

Like Trump, Clinton has her faithful followers.

The controversy comes at a critical time politically, too – just as Clinton is hoping to patch up disagreements with Sanders supporters.

The party chair who supports Clinton was forced to resign, pushed out by the leak of emails showing an institutional bias during the primaries. “And I feel bad for saying that”.

The 2016 presidential election may be less about the candidates than “America looking in the mirror and deciding what we see there”, Kaine said.

They fear supporters may stay home in November, unmotivated by Clinton’s candidacy or out of a belief that Trump can not win.

In addition to Washington and Hollywood luminaries, Democrats convening in Philadelphia this week have lined up “everyday Americans” – both those she’s helped over her career and those she’s met on the campaign trail – as character witnesses for prime-time speaking turns and video presentations.

Her second challenge is both more political and more hard: In a year when most voters are deeply dissatisfied with the direction the country’s going, Clinton needs to cast herself as an agent of change. Several other unplanned stops will occur along the route.

While her ouster was a major victory for Sanders, it wasn’t enough to ease the frustration of his supporters. As recently as four years ago, Trump’s status with the GOP was so weak that presidential candidates successfully boycotted a debate that was planned with Trump as the moderator. What was ostensibly a march for climate change Sunday included plenty of T-shirts for her primary opponent Bernie Sanders, for the Green party’s Jill Stein, and little discernible trace of support for her.

“We don’t have information right now about that, but what we have is a kind of bromance going on between Vladimir Putin and Trump which is distinct from this leak”, Clinton adviser John Podesta said in an MSNBC interview. She would have voted for Sanders but is now searching for another option.

The Democratic nominee’s standoff with FBI Director James B. Comey – he decided not to prosecute her over her emails but said she had made many false statements en route to her nonindictment – reinforced her well-earned image as the Great Prevaricator. “And I think, to me, it’s a big problem”.

“I personally know I have work to do on this front”.


Last month, Mr. Kaine said abortion is one of many “moral decisions for individuals to make for themselves, and the last thing we need is government intruding into those personal decisions”. Party officials learned in late April that their systems had been attacked after they discovered malicious software on their computers. But Clinton faces three other big challenges at her convention in Philadelphia this week, and they won’t be as easy as painting Trump as a unsafe blowhard.

Hillary Clinton speaks at a rally in Entertainment Hall at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa