
Kalamazoo cop dances to Tupac at Black Lives Matter walk

Obama expressed optimism, however, and said the participants – who included members of the Black Lives Matter movement – agreed such conversations need to continue despite emotions running raw.


More than 5000 people dressed in black clothes are expected to attend Sunday’s rally outside the State Library of Victoria from noon.

“The phrase “Black Lives Matter” simply refers to the notion that there’s a specific vulnerability for African-Americans that needs to be addressed”, he said.

Can presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and former NY mayor Rudolph Giuliani be so morally boring that they cannot see that the statement “Black Lives Matter” is neither racist nor divisive?

“We just want everybody to know that it’s not a hate group or a riot group, we’re coming together as one to show that not only black lives matter, but all life matters”, Stewart said. You don’t ask why: “you’re black”, said Cadet.

She said most of the homicide victims this year in Charlotte were black.

“We need more police accountability in cases statewide and across the country, the system has to change”, said Patrick.

Across the street, a group of All Lives Matter counterprotesters arrived.

This is not the first event to highlight issues of race and policing. “Get to know the people that you’re policing, not just be that enforcer”.

He suggested Patrick meet with the Austin Black Lives Matter group, who he praised for a peaceful protest Thursday. The protest was supposed to walk towards the National Civil Rights Museum; protesters instead chose to hop over a barrier and block off the I-40 bridge. He said he wanted Americans to have an open heart so that they can learn to look at the world through each other’s eyes, and Wednesday’s meeting followed that theme.

Marcy said she wants to support all police, but she is anxious for her son after watching what has been happening around the country. People who dont understand the depth of the terror told in the history of slavery and Jim Crow may not see the long-term impact and how it is still being played out today. I don’t think they would have done that to a white man but what you don’t see is when this kind of thing goes on in the white community and a white officer kills a white person.

As former President George W. Bush said earlier this week, “At times it seems likes the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together”. Unfortunately, we are forced to cope with the fact that, in 2016, we live in a nation where the color of one’s skin determines privilege.


“[Young black men] grow up understanding that you comply with the police, that your leash is a little bit shorter”, Watson said.

A round of hugs