
Kane attorney fails in attempt to introduce porngate evidence

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane used her twin sister as a media decoy while she entered court Monday for a preliminary hearing on charges of criminal obstruction relating to leaked grand jury information.


Kathleen Kane, the first woman and first Democrat to be elected Pennsylvania attorney general, didn’t speak as she left a suburban Philadelphia courthouse flanked by bodyguards.

The judge’s decision was among several evidentiary rulings that frustrated Kane’s defense team as they sought to poke holes in the prosecution’s case during Kane’s preliminary hearing on charges of perjury, false swearing, official oppression, obstructing the administration of law and conspiracy. The report said federal investigators reportedly looked into contract negotiations handle by Kane and a trip she and aides took to Haiti. “I’m here to represent my client”, Shargel said at one point.

District Decide Catherine Rebar is predicted to determine whether or not to ship all or a few of the fees to trial.

Kane, 49, a Scranton-area Democrat serving her first term as state Attorney General, has maintained her innocence.

No trial date has been set.

The evidence so far about what Kane personally did and knew is a little less clear, and there may be opportunities for her attorneys to stir up some dust clouds of reasonable doubt. “We are looking forward to a trial”. Beemer said he was taken aback by Kane’s position. Bradbury testified that Kane lied to a 2014 grand jury to cover up the leak. She has vowed to stay in workplace. Shargel stated Mondesire could not lose his fame a second time. Most preliminary hearings go that way.

Detective Paul Bradbury, who investigated Kane, stated the leak prompted Mondesire “nice private misery and misery to his household” and compelled him to shut his charity when donations dried up after the newspaper story.

In retaliation, according to prosecutors, Kane made public documents that appeared to show Fina had dropped the ball on an investigation of alleged misuse of grant monies by a Philadelphia official of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

The affidavit filed against Kane describes Peifer, supervisory agent in charge of special investigations, as one of Kane’s most trusted advisers.

Kane testified under oath to the grand jury that she had no knowledge of the memorandum and related documents, according to the complaint.

The story that prosecutors say spurred the events leading to the attorney general’s alleged crimes was published in March 2014 in The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Kane did not remark to reporters Monday as she adopted an entourage of regulation enforcement brokers and her twin sister into the courtroom.

She also claimed during that press conference that she was not allowed to release those emails – which she characterized as pornographic, racist and skewering some religions – due to a cloak of grand jury secrecy.


After entering the courtroom, photographers and reporters waiting outside in the hallway griped about only getting shots of the attorney general’s twin sister.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane 49, who is on trial accused of perjury today sent her twin sister Ellen Grananhan into court ahead of her in order to try and distract