
Kanye West Captivates A Daytime TV Crowd On Ellen

Begin, as an appetizer, with West being asked about his children (there is a pretty uncomfortable exchange in which DeGeneres somewhat tries to take credit for the name “Saint”, which West refuses to acknowledge, but otherwise this is all pretty charming). Ellen DeGeneres’ question about him reaching out to Mark Zuckerberg on Twitter instead of Facebook prompted the tirade.


Next, the entrée, if you will: West’s long speech-spun out from a conversation about Twitter-about his hopes for the future, in which he touches on the recent controversy surrounding the Oscar nominees. Yeezy was definitely on one to say the least.

“I didn’t take it as a joke”, West said. It’s amusing because I’ll sit there with Obama and Leo’s talking about the environment and I’m talking about clothes and everyone looks at me like, ‘That’s not an important issue.’ But I remember going to school in fifth grade and wanting to have a cool outfit. I’m like, I want to work with you.

There was a time when Michael Jackson couldn’t get his video on MTV because he was considered to be urban. After I’m dead. After they call me “Wacko Kanye”. The people point fingers at the people who have influenced us the most? Answer: “perhaps.” They also talked about his freewheeling social media presence and whether pondering before tweeting might be a good idea. “I’m sorry daytime television”, he said. “I’m sorry for the realness”.

Kanye also played a game of “5 Second Rule” where he had to name three things from a category in five seconds.


Kanye lived up to his reputation as he launched a lengthy stream of consciousness on Ellen’s show, telling the audience that all he’s ever cared about is helping the human race.

Kanye West holding North West wearing black