
Kanye West Responds To Amber Rose On Twitter

It just shows what kind of person he is.


She said, “I like your beard … and your facial hair too.” and she outrightly added, “Kanye, you are a woman!” That’s ridiculous, they’re innocent babies. Ever. So that just shows how fucking ridiculous he is.

She also clapped back at West during an interview with Allegedly podcast.

She explained: “He came out with a song last week that said, ‘I had my son for a meal ticket.’ He still talks about me in songs”.

Was she surprised by the outburst? I was like, “Man, he’s a cornball”.

“You let a stripper trap you”, the dad of North, 2, and Saint, 1, wrote in since-deleted tweets in reference to Rose.

I’m not being facetious; under the circumstances and Kanye West’s comments on Twitter, Amber Rose is staying pretty damn classy.

Wiz made the point that hip hop artist Max B was the brains behind the “wavy movement” with his lo-fi rap tunes in the mid-2000s.

“I’m not even going to call you West because clearly that is not a real marriage”. On Thursday night (Jan. 28), Yeezy went on his Twitter account to address Amber Rose’s stinging tweet about getting fingered in his no no place.

West replied to the allegations this morning (January 29), posting the following: “Exes can be mad but just know I never let them play with my ass…” Titled “How I Learned to Stop Caring What People Think”, Amber gets deep about how she got over being shamed during her high school days through to her recent dating experiences. That’s two grown men hashing it out.


It’s all been kicking off between Kanye, Amber and Amber’s ex Wiz Khalifa this week, after Kanye announced he was changing his album title from Swish to Waves. I would have kept it cute and just minded my business. Since then, the world has been dealing with the hilarious aftermath of the three-way blowup, but now Rose has spoken out again and has even more to say about West.

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