
Kanye West’s Yeezy Season 4 Show Looked Like Hell On Earth

This is what the unveiling of Season 4 of Kanye West’s Yeezy fashion line at New York Fashion Week looked and sounded like as it streamed live on “Tidal”.


In addition to his public pep talk, ‘Ye took to Twitter to share his own thoughts on the criticism.

Kanye then paused, and according to the AP report, he “dropped his microphone and walked offstage” as a “crowd of a few hundred cheered him on”.

As for Kendall and Kylie’s exciting new clothing line, which launched Wednesday night with an event in partnership with Samsung, the supermodel told us she’s looking forward to working with her sister once again. Others tweeted their shock over the way he treated the models after one of the women fainted while waiting in the heat.

Once at the grassy knoll where the show was to take place, they were greeted by models wearing beige and black leotards, bodysuits and other clingy, revealing garments. Despite attracting a number of high profile faces including Anna Wintour and Pharrell Williams, not to mention Kanye’s loyal wife Kim Kardashian, the show was not without its problems, starting with a two-hour delay. “I can go there most often, check in, get the vibe”. I’m not saying what can definitely happen but you might as well just state out loud what you want. “She is hoping that he will calm down now after the fashion show is over”.

Another person who was completely unimpressed by the elaborate showing was Stella Bugbee, editorial director of The Cut. But of course Kim Kardashian, Kendall and Kylie Jenner were there, so there will be plenty of positive press regardless of how the clothes looked or what the experience was like.

Right-o. We’ll bear that in mind next time you want to charge $$$ for some beige rags, Ye.


Kanye was reported involved in a traffic snarl-up on the way to the show, which was originally meant to start at 3pm, was then pushed back to 4, but didn’t end up starting until nearly 5pm.

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