
Kanye West (Sort of) Apologizes to Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa

They think Amber would be a ideal fit – the product’s already finger-like – so they want a mold of her magical digit … or as they describe it, “Kanye’s favorite finger”. “It just shows what type of person he is”, she explained. She’s out at restaurants with guys.’ Then they would see my ex-husband with a bunch of women.


So it’s good that the babies won’t be talked dragged in their parent’s adult feuds anymore and West likely won’t be taking shots at Rose anymore either after getting completely embarrassed. I woke up with my phone blowing up in South America like “Hey, Kanye is going at Wiz right now”.

Wiz did comment on the beef while performing at those South American shows, saying “fuck Kanye” while in Argentina and “We coming for you, Kanye”, during a show in Chile.

“We obviously loved each other so much, and we still love each other”, she added.

“You let a stripper trap you”, West tweeted. It’s about loving who you are, owning who you are and knowing that it’s live your life how you want to live it. We’re all human, which means we’re not all ideal.

Rose filed for divorce from Khalifa in 2014 after one year of marriage.


Amber says she didn’t realise she didn’t really love Kanye until she met the Black and Yellow rapper. She dated West from 2008 to 2010.

Amber Rose