
Kanye West trying to make up with Taylor Swift

Turns out, James Corden was there-and very distracted.


Other amusing moments include Teyana “flinging” a bunch of oil onto Corden’s face, and the annoyed host pointing to a “No Sheep in Gym” sign on the wall.

“Sorry, do you mind, because it’s sort of a public gym. I think there’s actually a dance place next door”, Corden deadpans.

“That’s too much oil”. He didn’t go on a long winded, nonsensical rant, and he didn’t say things that were begging to be headlines for the morning after. “No one needs that much oil”, he says.

Corden wasn’t too thrilled with Taylor bringing sheep into the facility either.

The 38-year-old funnyman took part in a hilarious spoof of the new clip on Monday night’s episode of his chat programme The Late Late Show. He adds: “A lot of us only joined this gym because of its zero sheep policy!”

The two artists have recently been at odds over Kanye’s controversial verse on “Famous”, in which he raps “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex/Why?”


Blaze explained that the moves in the video were inspired by a Jamaican dancehall routine called “bruk back”, created by the Outshine Crew, as well as ‘Ye’s suggestions about incorporating some popping and locking into the mix. “Teyana’s a beast, so it really made our job easy as far as, ‘Hey Teyana, give him what he wants”. However, she just keeps on dancing.

TidalFor once it wasn't Kanye West's words that stood out at the MTV Video Music Awards. It was a woman named Teyana Taylor