
Kasich brushes off prospect of becoming a VP candidate

Scholz said he thinks if Trump enters the convention with close to the required 1,237 delegates, he will emerge as the nominee.


The fact of the matter, though, is that your party, the Republican Party, requires candidates to collect a majority of the delegates in order to become the party’s nominee. “If Trump has more delegates than anyone else and has won the most states, the GOP would be incite a grassroots revolt if somebody else was nominated, and I’m not a Trump lover”, said another New Hampshire Republican.

However, how do they stop him on track?

“Hopefully there’s time to still prevent a Trump nomination, which I think would fracture the party and be damaging to the conservative movement”, Rubio said. “He just doesnt think thats going to happen”, Earnest said.

“I think bad things would happen”.

“We believe that neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump, a Hillary Clinton donor, is that person”, he wrote.

But not everyone is so sure. “The Trump supporters will go bonkers”, Deters said.

A brokered convention is a complicated process of sequential votes that opens the way for horse trading.

Even Kasich could mathematically do that.

There is no longer room for error or delay, the anti-Trump forces say, and without a flawlessly executed plan of attack, he could well become unstoppable. I don’t think he’s a reliable conservative.

Likewise, Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, had already declared in a radio interview that if Mr Trump comes to the convention with at least 45 per cent of the delegates, “You would have a civil war if people stepped in, if the old guard stepped in, and tried to steal the nomination”. Not even his lost to Kasich in the latter’s home state of OH could slow down the real estate billionaire’s march to the Republican nomination. But the strength of resistance to Trump’s candidacy, still opposed by rivals Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Ohio Governor John Kasich as well as the bulk of the Republic establishment – makes it possible that he may fall short.

Appearing on Fox News Wednesday evening, Cruz accused Trump of specifically choosing to speak at the conference on Monday rather than another date of the multi-day conference to intentionally skip the debate. When there’s a big field of candidates, that structure can favor candidates like you who have the loyal backing of a sizable minority.

The caucus participants were divided as to who they felt could win the brokered convention. He secured Florida’s 99 delegates, which gave him a strong boost toward the 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination.

According to the most recent polling data from RealClearPolitics, Trump leads the Republican pack by an average of 14.2 percentage points.


“Obama acknowledged that Clinton was perceived to have weaknesses as a candidate, and that some Democrats did not view her as authentic”, it said.

Plane sailing Donald Trump stands in front of his private jet while attending a rally in Tennessee