
Kasich, Cruz to get RI delegates despite Trump landslide

“I’m grateful for his voice in the debate”, Pence said.


In an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell on Thursday, Boxer said Cruz’s decision to name Fiorina as his running mate should he win the GOP nomination was ill-conceived.

The editorial – which pointedly concludes by saying “We are withholding a formal endorsement in either race” – focuses largely on criticizing Trump, saying, “A President Trump would be a danger to the United States and to the world”.

Recent surveys have given Trump an advantage between 2 and 8 points over Cruz as the pair battle for support in the Hoosier State.

“Donald Trump just figured it out, but wow, this system has been in place for a very long time”, she said, referring to his claims that he should be named the nominee even if he falls slightly short of the required 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination. “You’ve got to give the states a voice and I think the people here had a voice”.

Cruz also fired back at comments former House Speaker John Boehner made earlier this week referring to Cruz as “Lucifer in the flesh” and a “miserable son of a b–“. “Listen, we don’t have two parties in Washington”. Given Trump’s increased strength and ever-likelier nomination, that’s understandable. “He said, Donald is my friend, we go texting, we go golfing, he’s my buddy”, Cruz said. “I don’t know which Donald Trump to believe”. But you better not think I’ll do it enthusiastically, okay?

(For information, visit On Saturday, Kaisch will hold a town hall meeting at The Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose. “He actually says what he believes”. Pence said that he was proud to support him.

“He’s given to Hillary Clinton, both her presidential and Senatecampaigns a total of seven times”. He is nearly as liberal as Hillary Clinton is.

Speaking with reporters Friday morning in Indianapolis, before Pence said he was voting for Cruz, Cruz called the governor a “positive, optimistic, unifying force” whose support would show the GOP is unifying behind Cruz against Trump. Carly Fiorina, his newly named running mate, was set to join him for some of the swing. “She had a lot of problems”, he said.


To understand why Pence was being so obtuse, Maddow asked her viewers to picture themselves in his shoes as he seeks re-election following the uproar created by the anti-LGBT “religious freedom” bill he and state Republicans pushed through.

Republican donors deny Cruz, Kasich needed funds, data show