
Kasich earns endorsement of Alabama governor

After accepting Bentley’s endorsement in Alabama, Kasich is expected to head to South Carolina to file paperwork in the capital, Columbia, that will allow him to appear on the Republican presidential ballot in the early primary state. That’s the way Reagan was. “I mean, that’s common sense”. That move has proved deeply controversial among conservatives. “And I just don’t want to think that somehow we discount a human life”.


Faith plays an important role in Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s approach to politics, but he doesn’t turn to the Bible to “figure out what I think”.

Among the other issues Republicans need to work on, he said, were early childhood education, infant mortality, the environment, and education.

Kasich, meanwhile, portrayed abortion as an issue that GOP politicians focus on too much.

On another hot-button issue – abortion – Kasich said there are cases, such as the health of the mother, where exceptions are “reasonable”.

Kasich, a former Fox News host known for his brash demeanor, also defended his own personality.

“No, no, if the government takes more, they will spend it”, Kasich said.

Meanwhile, he said “I’m having an absolute ball” on the campaign trail.


Texas Senator Ted Cruz said, “I am blessed to receive a word from God every day in receiving the scriptures and reading the scriptures”.

John Kasich July 2015