
Kasich: I won’t win South Carolina

The flamboyant Trump has routinely belittled his opponents, especially former Florida governor Jeb Bush, the son and brother of two USA presidents who finished fourth in the New Hampshire voting behind a conservative firebrand, Texas Senator Ted Cruz. (In fact, a recent Gallup study finds New Hampshire is America’s least religious state.) Cruz has the resources to run a national campaign and is well-positioned to compete in upcoming multi-state primaries.


New Hampshire voters chose two candidates who are well outside the party establishment in Tuesday’s presidential primary.

Bush and his allies reportedly spent $36 million just in New Hampshire, but Beightol defended the investment.

About a quarter of the GOP electorate Tuesday said they want a candidate who “tells it like it is”.

Henry Barbour, a veteran Republican strategist based in MS, commended Kasich’s second-place finish but noted that he had benefited from what Barbour called “a refreshing contrast with the rest of the field with his positive message to their food fight”.

But Cruz and his supporters’ total investment? They each received about 11 percent of the vote.

More importantly, Cruz seemed to break the curse of the Iowa victor. John McCain’s “Straight Talk Express” campaign bus in 2000, and he helped Jon Huntsman Jr., former governor of Utah, finish third in 2012. “Who on that stage has more experience or has shown better judgment or a better understanding of the foreign policy and national security issues than I have, on that stage?”

“I know I have some work to do, particularly with young people”, Clinton said during a concession speech.

Two things went down well at the Newfields US presidential primary election-cum-bake sale fundraiser for the local library: Bernie Sanders and the chocolate espresso cookies.

He says on NBC’s “Today” that he is “going to be the nominee”. Trump carried college-educated voters and he even won among those with post-graduate degrees.

Trump’s win “puts that much more pressure on an establishment candidate to come out of the pack”, said Wilkins, who is backing Bush.

And so it’s – I would hope that the people commenting on Christie leaving the race saying he was mean to Marco and that’s why he lost, I would hope that they were ignorant and not actually lying to their readers and viewers because if you’re too ignorant to know that’s what happened in New Hampshire, that it was Marco’s dirty money – dark money, Marco’s dark money, and then it was his [inaudible as someone coughed] money that got Chris Christie down to the 4% where he started attacking Marco, then you shouldn’t be covering politics, you’re lying to your people. “If he fills the Sun Dome and they’re waiting outside, it sends a clear message that he is in it to win it in Florida”, said 10News WTSP political expert Dr. Lars Hafner.

All of the top contenders immediately eyed the next party contests on February 20, when Republicans hold a primary election in SC, a conservative state along the Atlantic coast, and Democrats hold party caucuses in the western state of Nevada, best known as the country’s gambling center. “What a campaign!” she gushed before the results were official. Some even said, as Obama did, “That’s not who we are”. The GOP primary here is expected to draw more than 700,000 voters, dwarfing the Iowa and New Hampshire contests.

Campaign spokeswoman Samantha Smith said Christie shared his decision with staff at his campaign headquarters in Morristown, N.J., on Wednesday afternoon, and was calling donors and other supporters. He’s the only candidate running a coalition-style campaign. His smallest lead in January was 14 points.


“Almost every candidate who wins Iowa comes here and doesn’t do well”, Smith said. Only Cruz, Trump and John Kasich did that.

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