
Kasich remark about Latina maid draws unwanted attention

“We can learn a lot and she’s Hispanic, ’cause I didn’t know it at the time, but I met her in the hallway — asked her if I could get a little more soap,” Kasich said, reportedly chuckling as he did so.


He continued: “That’s why in a hotel you leave them a little tip”.

The Ohio Governor commended the Latino community for being very family oriented and said they ought to be voting Republican. “We can’t abide by the fact they violated it.’ In addition to that, if we have the intelligence that they’re on the verge of building a nuke, I think military action is something that has to be strongly considered”.

“A lot of them do jobs that they’re willing to do and that’s why, in a hotel, you leave a little tip, you know?” who reportedly chuckled as he addressed a small crowd at the Shady Canyon Golf Club in Irvine, California.

A spokesman for Kasich said the candidate merely was talking about the hospitality industry.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump drew fire from Democrats and some Republicans on Friday after declining to rebuke a questioner at a town hall event who insulted Muslims and wrongly said President Barack…

The audience, which included some Latinos, laughed. Candidates are confronted with all sorts of comments on the campaign trail, including plenty that are inaccurate and some that are…

“I would have never signed that deal because I don’t trust (Iran)”, he said.

Chris Schrimpf, a Kasich spokesperson, explained to the Los Angeles Times that Kasich was “talking about how great the service was and how we should respect everyone in our society, no matter what their job or position might be”.

Kasich has come out against efforts to deport those who are in the country illegally, favoring a pathway to citizenship and a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Manriquez says that Kasich would need to go beyond immigration to win the Latino vote. “Try pushing for policies that will make education more affordable, or will improve health care, or help the middle class”.


On immigration issues, which are not the top concern for most Latino voters but rank higher than for voters as a whole, Kasich actually has a softer stance than many of his fellow Republican contenders.