
Kasich to appear at transportation event in Cleveland

What emerged was a late-night tweet of an image of a children’s book from the Disney film “Frozen” that included a six-sided star.


The controversy erupted Saturday morning after a tweet from Mr. Trump’s account showed image with Ms. Clinton’s face next to a Star of David shape on top of a bed of money. (The aide later deleted the star and replaced it with a circle.) Over and over again, Trump insisted that the star hadn’t been meant to represent a Star of David-an argument that his campaign has been making for days already, presumably to the delight of the Clinton campaign.

Meanwhile, her leading opponent was still blaming the media (surprise!) for publicizing the blatant anti-Semitism behind a message he sent out on social media over the weekend.

That tweet unleashed a new round of criticism, both about its content and the political calculation behind it, but Gingrich defended its objective.

Former Minnesota Rep. Vin Weber, one of Gingrich’s closest allies during their overlapping years on Capitol Hill, said his friend looks back over his career and views himself as a “disruptor”. He discussed them at length, berating the media for being unfair to him. “Clinton, money, the most campaign corrupt person”, said Duke.

The moment of tension between the two men proved to be fleeting. Gingrich could complement Trump; he could be like the walking explanatory footnote to Trump’s every outburst.

That mutual sensibility has elevated Gingrich to Trump’s shortlist to become his running mate.

It was an opportunity for Donald Trump to hone his message and focus his ire on Hillary Clinton’s emails and the criminal indictment he and his fellow Republicans say she deserved and unjustly dodged. But it was the biggest monthly take by far for the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, who did not begin to hold fundraising events until late May.

(Gingrich earned almost $1.8 million from Freddie Mac serving as a consulting “historian.”) Gingrich may have mastered the language of taking on “the Washington elites”, but being one has been his job description for almost 30 years. Trump rails against the North American Free Trade Agreement.

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His position hasn’t changed – even if he realizes it’s likely a futile effort. “It’s sobering to watch the audiences respond”.

Also, Clint Eastwood’s freaky conversation with an empty chair at the 2012 GOP convention should serve as a reminder to the Trump campaign that celebrities and political commentary aren’t always a great mix.

The combo echoes last week’s first joint campaign appearance of Clinton with one of her prospective running mates: Sen.

Hours later, Trump would appear in the club’s dining room, sitting alone, rifling through his usual pile of printouts.


“It’s an objective reality that if you are a white parent with teenagers you have dramatically less fear of the police walking up to them than if you’re a black parent with black teenagers”, Gingrich said. So you’re now on Facebook I think, ‘ Gingrich told Trump. Of course we didn’t mind. “We’re not talking about something that’s not true”. But there was no apology or explanation for the original tweet, nor a condemnation of the people who first posted it. Instead, Trump chose to issue a tweet blasting the “dishonest media” for fretting over what he says is a “plain star” or “a sherriff’s star”. The contract that they abide by is collapsing and Trumpism is rage.

Corker withdraws his name as possible Trump running mate