
Kasich Urges Delegates to Consider Conscience Before Nominating Trump

“It’s a star. My boy comes home from school, Baron, he draws stars all over the place, I never said, ‘Oh, that’s the Star of David, Baron, don’t!’ And it actually looks like a sheriff’s star, but I don’t know”.


Trump remarks on Wednesday were the first addressing the issue publicaly. Still, Trump’s June haul is less than Hillary Clinton’s, who raised $68.5 million – $40.5 for the campaign and $28 million for the Democratic National Committee and state parties through two joint committees.

The tweet was subsequently deleted from his account and replaced by a second image with the text inside a circle instead of a star.

Donald TrumpDonald TrumpDem strategy to counter GOP convention leaked Trump posts picture of Disney book: “Where is the outrage” over star?

Inside the star were the words “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!”

Gingrich is viewed as one of the top contenders to be Trump’s running mate, and he has long defended the New Yorker in the press and on social media.

Trump probably didn’t realize that when you mess with “Frozen”, you’re messing with the blonde ball of awesome fury that is Kristen Bell.

Trump also suggested that the tweet couldn’t be anti-Semitic because his daughter Ivanka, son-in-law and grandchildren are Jewish.

The tweet contained an image of a six-pointed star, most commonly known as the Jewish Star of David symbol, over a pile of money.

Donald Trump will not let his latest controversy go as he dragged Disney’s Frozen into the mix of the anti-Semitic storm surrounding him.

“If Trump offers the position and is serious about it, which I think he would be after our conversations, listen, I would feel compelled to serve the country”, the former House speaker told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren.

“The obvious question is how much [Trump] spent in online advertising to hit those numbers”, Hines said, “and whether he’ll be able to sustain them long-term”.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at a rally in Raleigh, N.C., on Tuesday.

“I presume he absolutely will be nominated and he absolutely will be the candidate moving forward, but there are a number of delegates across the nation who are unsettled on this”, he said.


The Anti-Defamation League’s CEO and national director told The Daily Beast, “We’ve been troubled by the anti-Semites and racists during this political season, and we’ve seen a number of so-called Trump supporters peddling some of the worst stereotypes all through this year”.

Corporate Media Fails to Hold Trump's Feet to Fire on Ongoing Bigotry Once Again