
Kathleen Wynne takes another jab at Stephen Harper

“The fact is that it has deteriorated, and what I’m saying now in a federal election campaign is that we need someone in that chair as prime minister who understands that working with provinces is important to the country“.


Wynne had previously blasted Harper for the federal government’s lack of support for the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan and has vowed to keep fighting against him, though has said she will try again to work with him if he is re-elected on October 19.

She compared the Conservative leader to Canada’s first prime minister, implying that the transcontinental railway never would have been built if Harper had been in charge back then.

The Nickel Belt MPP said Premier Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals made a promise that “every Ontarian (would have) access to a primary care provider”, but 800,000 Ontarians are still without a family physician.

Ontario passed legislation in April to create a provincial pension plan for more than three million people who do not have a workplace pension plan.

Wynne will be joined at a news conference this morning by Finance Minister Charles Sousa. Last week, she criticized the Tories for funding infrastructure projects that were not identified as priorities by her government.

While Wynne, having “no skin in the game” at the federal level, is free to say anything she wants, her comments on the federal election have been “blatant” and “partisan”, he told CTV News Channel.


“I’m not sure how much more dysfunctional the relationship can get”, she said. “She’s come out swinging from a very strong Liberal perspective, and endorsing Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party”.

Ontario has a 'dysfunctional' relationship with Harper: premier