
Katina Powell To Meet With NCAA Early Next Week

“In consideration of the fact that the Commonwealth is going forward and considering criminal charges against Ms. Powell, it is no longer in her best interest to forgo meeting with the NCAA and sharing all of the demonstrative evidence she has to support her position”, her attorney, Larry Wilder, said.

Advertisement first reported Powell’s plans on Thursday, citing an anonymous source.

Katina Powell, 42, will reportedly turn over personal documents, including phone records and private journals, to investigators as they continue to delve into the allegations that former Louisville basketball graduate assistant Andre McGee paid for the parties.

“There’s no question that she will talk to the NCAA now”.

This comes after five women joined a lawsuit filed against Powell on November 10. McGee also allegedly paid extra money for the dancers to provide sex for the players and recruits.

Pitino has since denied knowing anything of the sort and stated he will not resign amid the allegations.

Wilder said Powell did not identify the five women by name in her book, choosing instead to use aliases.

Wilder previously stated Powell would not be participating in any investigations unless she was guaranteed immunity.

Powell and company have said since the start that they have loads of evidence that isn’t included in the book. He added that Powell never paid the women and said he did not know whether the women profited from being tipped by the players and recruits.

In all, more than a dozen women or basketball players have confirmed that parties involving strippers occurred on the Louisville campus. Powell said McGee forked over thousands of dollars in exchange for the women’s stripping and prostitution services.


John Barr is an investigative reporter with ESPN’s Enterprise Unit.