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Kavanaugh Investigation Wrapping Up – Senate Vote by Friday?
U.S. President Donald Trump speaks about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in the Rose Garden of the White House on Monday.
Harvard Law School student leaders did not immediately respond to a request for comment Monday. Actually, I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion.
The apparent go-ahead for an un-proscribed interview, reported by the New York Times and as stated by President Trump a press conference, follows reports that the White House counsel had told investigators to limit their queries to a small group of people.
Donnelly said he would welcome the opportunity to work with a new nominee.
But even Flake, who joined with Democrats in calling for the FBI investigation, said he could understand Kavanaugh’s outburst given the seriousness of the accusations. She’s the second woman who came forward with sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh.
The FBI has completed an initial round of interviews as part of its reopened background check of the Supreme Court nominee, and more are likely in the coming days, people familiar with the matter said. She declined to elaborate.
Jeff Flake, who holds extraordinary leverage in the confirmation process, addressed Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s future directly as he trekked across New England while exploring a possible run for president.
Nor, even in the midst of this titanic struggle for control of the legislative and judicial apparatus of the United States, is it remotely acceptable for smarmy Democratic apologists to swarm the television studios of the anti-Trump networks claiming that Kavanaugh lacks a “judicious temperament” or claiming to perceive oppression by elderly white males. Ms. Ford in her testimony offered new clues that might pin down the timing of the alleged assault; those details, too, must be checked. She also named P.J. Smyth and Leland Ingram Keyser as guests at the party. They say that the administration has put strict limits on what the FBI can investigate.
Schumer said Kavanaugh was “rudely interrupting” senators in a way he’d never seen from a witness.
Asked whether he believed Ford’s testimony, Flake said: “Well, how could you not?”
Ludington, a professor at North Carolina State University, said Kavanaugh had played down “the degree and frequency” of his drinking, and the judge had often become “belligerent and aggressive” while intoxicated.
Today in Trump’s America: Will any new stories on Kavanaugh drop?
What he’s said: “I agreed to support him before all of this came out”.
However, 27 percent of those polled found both Kavanaugh and Ford “credible”, which means a total of 50 percent found Kavanaugh credible, compared to 67 percent for Ford.
Of all of the questions left unanswered after the Judiciary Committee hearings for Brett Kavanaugh ended last week, the hardest one to know for sure might also be the most important for the long-term health of the country – can the Senate be saved after everything that happened last week?
Trump on Monday said he was impressed with Kavanaugh’s candor about his alcohol use, which is now being scrutinized by some Democratic senators.
In a separate report, NBC quoted a senior USA official and a second source as saying the limits imposed by the White House on the inquiry remained in place, despite Trump’s tweet.
“Unfortunately, despite having the time and opportunity to do so, Senator McConnell has refused to allow that FBI investigation”.
In a statement released Sunday, a Yale classmate of Kavanaugh’s said he is “deeply troubled by what has been a blatant mischaracterization by Brett himself of his drinking at Yale”. He said Kavanaugh seemed willing to “mislead senators about everything from the momentous to the mundane” to ensure his ascension to the high court.
The third woman, Julie Swetnick, accused Kavanaugh and Judge of excessive drinking and inappropriate treatment of women in the early 1980s, among other accusations.
Trump stressed that he wants the Federal Bureau of Investigation to move quickly and that he continues to stand by his Supreme Court nominee, praising him for living “an exemplary life” and lamenting the effect of the national attention on Kavanaugh’s wife and children. Kavanaugh denies the allegation.