
Keith Olbermann bringing political commentary to GQ

For the millions of liberals who loved watching Keith Olbermann do political commentary on TV, but wished he could have done it without graphics or clips or guests or anything that was not Keith Olbermann, their prayers have been answered.


Keith Olbermann is back-debuting Monday morning in his new role as a “special correspondent” for GQ Magazine. Each episode will run about six minutes, but the first episode runs over seventeen minutes!

Olbermann urged Americans to defend themselves against people who, like Trump, don’t commit “to anything except their own out-of-control minds and the bottomless pits of their egos” and called the Republican nominee “the most unsafe individual ever nominated by a major party for the highest office in this country”. The America-Firsters. And we have always thrown them out.

At one point Olbermann referred to Trump as a “demonic messiah in Oompa Loompas clothing”, and that should sum things up, except that it doesn’t. “The most unsafe individual ever nominated by a major party for the highest office in this country”. “Not if I can help it”, Olbermann said.

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