
Keith Vaz has quit as chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee

His resignation follows allegations published by the “Sunday Mirror” tabloid that the married, father of two, had met two male prostitutes from eastern Europe at his London flat last month.


Vaz has not commented on the substance of the reports, but said they made it impossible for the committee to function without distraction. “I would also like to thank the Clerks of the House for the incredible work they have done to strengthen the Select Committee system, we are not quite on par with the United States, but we are getting there”, Vaz said.

The high-profile MP, who has chaired the home affairs committee since 2007, said in his statement that the decision to step down from the prestigious position was his own.

Mr Vaz said the decision to resign and stand aside immediately from the committee’s business was “my decision, and mine alone” and “my first consideration has been the effect of recent events on my family”.

“After speaking to the house authorities, I will formally tender my resignation to Mr Speaker so that it coincides with the timetable for the election of other committee chairs, such as the Brexit committee, culture, media and sport, and science and technology, so that the elections can take place together”.

Mr Vaz, who has publicly apologised to his wife and children for the “hurt and distress” caused, had been under pressure to quit the powerful cross-party committee.

The Tory MP, who represents the neighbouring North West Leicestershire constituency, has received a letter from law firm Howard Kennedy accusing him of “maliciously spreading false and highly defamatory scuttlebutt” about Mr Vaz.

He had faced claims that the committee’s investigations into issues like prostitution or drugs could be undermined if he remained as chairman.

Vaz says he has no plans to resign from the party’s ruling body.

Mr Vaz resigned as chair today (Tuesday September 6) following allegations first printed in a Sunday newspaper.

Speaking on the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme, former mayor of London Ken Livingstone said he had known Mr Vaz for 40 years and said he had always been on the side of social justice.

Mr Loughton said Mr Vaz gave a “very frank” account of what had happened. “I think someone’s private life should be private”, he said.

“Notwithstanding the press stories all members of the Home Affairs Select Committee across all the parties paid very fulsome tributes to the work that Keith has done”.

“With sadness, we all accepted that that was the appropriate course of action that he has taken and we also appreciate the many challenges facing him personally and his family”.

Keith Vaz was under pressure to resign from the United Kingdom.

“The integrity of that has not altered at all”, Mr Loughton said.

He said: “He’s made his decision because he felt that to carry on in the circumstances that he is now involved in would detract from the work of the Home Affairs Committee and so he has made that decision for himself”.


“And on that basis he has taken that decision and the committee agreed with him that that was the rightful selection for him to take with regret”.

Leicester MP