
Kendrick Lamar To Be Stephen Colbert’s First ‘Late Show’ Music Guest

“All I want from a guest is someone who has something to say so I can play with them and so we have a conversation”.


Although Colbert did take to digital video in June to mock Trump’s announcement that he’d be running, Colbert really hopes the real estate mogul will stay in the race long enough to get his jokes on CBS’s “Late Show”.

Colbert realized that was a great line, so he paused during his panel session to Tweet it, prompting laughter in the ballroom.

He was asked if CBS would limit the number of candidates, as Fox News Channel did — using poll numbers — for the first Republican candidate debate last week. But “I don’t think anyone who watched my old show didn’t know who I was, because that guy was a tool”.

The head of the World Food Program says in an interview that funding prospects are “bleak” and Syrians who fled their war-torn country likely face more cuts in food aid.

Colbert was part of another send off last week, Jon Stewart’s final installment of “The Daily Show”, the show that launched Colbert’s career in a big way.

“What I like about George Clooney is the man has his own spy satellite”, Colbert said. “I double dog dare you”. “I find it a very intimate space now”, Colbert said. “Reverse the set, because I want to try that, too”. “My character was actively ignorant about [guests]”.

As quoted on Deadline, Colbert said: “I had the excuse that I didn’t mean it, but I’m here to tell you I meant a lot of it…I even agreed with my character sometimes”. “It’s not like my success takes away from anyone”. “Fights amongst each other doesn’t sound amusing”, he said. “There’s no joke there, so I’m not interested”.

Asked (of course) about changes he planned to make to a format that’s nearly as stable as Mount Rushmore – monologue, comedy bit, first guest, etc. – he said: “The order of the guests’ [appearances], and when the comedy appears will be something we discover as we go along”.

Indeed, Colbert fed the beast of critical mass assembled in that ballroom, opting to introduce himself via microphone before settling down to field questions for half an hour or so. Don’t do anything unsafe, don’t ride any motorcycles.


Since at the moment he has no outlet for his Trump-related barbs, Colbert quipped, “So now I’m just dry-Trumping”. Asked whether he thought Trump had a legitimate shot at becoming President, Colbert paused and said “Honestly, he could”.

Stephen Colbert at the 2015 TCA summer press tour