
Kerry defends Iran nuclear deal at US Congress

Republican senators were particularly harsh in their comments about the agreement. “The law is clear”, he said in remarks on the Senate floor. The administration is facing unified Republican opposition and doubts among a few Democrats.


Testifying earlier than Congress for the primary time since world powers reached the landmark accord with Iran final week, America’s prime diplomat was confronted head-on by Republican accusations that Iranian negotiators had “fleeced” and “bamboozled” him. “I think he’s wrong about the Iran nuclear deal, I think it’s a very good one”, Carter said.

Corker helped engineer the legislation giving Congress a 60-day review, followed by an opportunity to vote on the agreement.

Most US allies in the Arabian Gulf region publicly welcomed a deal between world powers and Iran over its disputed nuclear programme, but they accuse the country of interfering in Arab conflicts and pushing hard for heightened regional influence.

Pompeo and Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas – another top GOP opponent of the deal – sent a letter to Obama, along with Boehner and McConnell, demanding details of the supposed side deal with the worldwide Atomic Energy Agency.

Elected president in 1976, Carter served one term in the White House. Iran denies it seeks a nuclear bomb.

Moniz, a nuclear physicist, also testified he was “confident that the technical underpinnings of this deal are solid”. You’ve been with the Iranians two years. Dick Durbin of Illinois, Dianne Feinstein of California and Martin Heinrich of New Mexico have announced support for the plan. Kerry said tartly to the chairman, who had said that Iran would be allowed to develop ballistic missiles. President Barack Obama has said he will veto any congressional move to disapprove the accord.

“This agreement sent the message to the world that the most hard and complex global issues can be resolved through negotiations”.

MICHAEL REYNOLDS/EPA ‘This is not a question of giving them what they want, ‘ said Kerry (r.) ‘This is a question of holding their program back.’. John Cornyn of Texas, the No. 2 GOP senator.

The deal, which ended a 13-year standoff, requires Iran to curb its nuclear capabilities including the number of uranium centrifuges.

Protesters hold signs of support before a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Capit …

“Many of the measures will be in place – not just for 10 or 15 or 20 years – but for the lifetime of Iran’s nuclear program, which will enable us to verifiably ensure it remains exclusively peaceful”, he said.


As a former secretary of development and community affairs in Vermont, and longtime employee of the federal government at the Department of Commerce and Department of Energy, I have professionally followed non-proliferation and our national defense closely. In recent days he’s said is uncertain if there will be enough Democrats to either successfully block the a resolution of disapproval from coming to the floor or to sustain the President’s expected veto of it if it passes. In a statement, McConnell said all the Senators had planned to meet and study the agreement in-depth to prepare for the first hearing on the pact between the G5 + 1 and Iran. The United Nations Security Council unanimously approved the deal Monday, which drew more criticism from Republican lawmakers who saw the move as a violation of agreed-upon protocol.

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