
Key quotes from Republican nominee Trump’s acceptance speech

He needs a post-convention bounce in public opinion polls to remain competitive with Clinton, who will be in the spotlight next week in Philadelphia for the Democratic National Convention.


“America is far less safe – and the world is far less stable – than when Obama made the decision to put Hillary Clinton in charge of America’s foreign policy. Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it”, he said.

Trump accused Democratic rival Hillary Clinton of a legacy of “death, destruction, terrorism and weakness”.

“This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton: death, destruction and weakness”.

Trump has embarked on one of the more remarkable us presidential campaigns in modern history, capturing the nomination of one of the two major parties while denouncing what he calls a “rigged political system”.

He continued down the unorthodox path he has taken in his year-long campaign by refusing to pivot to the centre with a traditional softer speech that might have won over new supporters.

Trump vowed to restore safety to the country “beginning on January 20th in 2017”. A change in leadership is required to produce a change in outcomes.

“This time, the terrorist targeted our LGBTQ community. Women are paid equally for the work that we do and when a woman becomes a mother she is supported, not shut out”, Ivanka Trump said.

The celebrity real estate mogul doubled down on his controversial immigration plan, originally to ban Muslims from entering the USA, but later revised to bar individuals from countries that have a high risk of terrorism.

“We must immediately suspend immigration from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism until such time as proven vetting mechanisms have been put in place”, he said.

Trump will also double down on his promises to provide tax relief for business and renegotiate trade deals, ushering in more protectionist policies that are not typically hallmarks of the GOP platform – and that his own running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, has opposed.

Although Perry had been one of the first Republicans to blast Trump early in the primary season, he’s now a full-throated backer of Trump.

Trump talked at length about recent American tragedies – the Boston marathon bombing, shootings of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge, La., and the mass shooting at an Orlando gay nightclub.

“We will be a country of generosity and warmth, but we will also be a country of law and order”, he said.

“We don’t want them in our country”, the NY billionaire said to huge cheers and applause. But at every turn, Trump drew sharp contrasts with Clinton, casting her as both unqualified for the presidency and too tied to Washington elites to understand voters’ struggles. “They are throwing money at her because they have total control over everything she does”, he said. She proposes this despite the fact that there’s no way to screen these refugees in order to find out who they are or where they come from.

“Don’t stay home in November”, Cruz told the convention hall on Wednesday night, with Trump present. A string of sons and daughters gave the convention a family feel – with the tycoon’s favorite daughter Ivanka proving a powerful surrogate on the final night when she painted him as a compassionate champion of women’s rights. He mentioned Clinton’s primary challenger twice in his speech, painting him as a candidate cheated by the political process. But what Republicans in Cleveland expressed was confidence that Trump will actually deliver for them in a way that other Republicans have not.

The prevailing narrative at the Cleveland convention has not been about Trump’s positions, but dominated instead by the failure of he party’s various factions to unite behind Trump. The Bernie Sanders campaign was also live-tweeting during the speech.

“Tonight, I want every American whose demands for immigration security have been denied – and every politician who has denied them – to listen very closely to the words I am about to say”.


“All we need to do is start believing in ourselves and our country again”. The America First Committee, founded by Charles Lindbergh, campaigned to keep the United States out of World War II.

Trump children nominate dad