
Khan to Trump: ‘Put that Purple Heart back’

Said Rep. Duckworth in the tweet, “this is how one usually looks when you are awarded the Purple Heart”.


Trump accepted the veteran’s Purple Heart.

“I will continue to remind you what your behavior for a whole year had been”, he said. “This was much easier”.

Trump then read the veteran’s name, “Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman” off of the badge, and brought him on stage to chants of “U-S-A!”

The Purple Heart is the oldest military award still given to USA service members, and it’s only given to men and women wounded by the enemy in combat or to the next-of-kin of those killed in action.

The controversy has drawn further scrutiny to Trump’s history with the military draft.

Of course, Trump’s nemesis, Khizr Khan, who lost his son in Iraq in 2004, had something to say about Trump’s accepting a Purple Heart from a supporter as well. “He said that’s my real Purple Heart – I have such confidence in you”.

“He wants to be the leader, commander-in-chief of this United States of America?”

“I’m just not there yet”, Trump said in an interview with The Washington Post, closely echoing Ryan’s demurral before he endorsed Trump, telling CNN on May 6, “I’m not there right now”. Most people believe Trump should give it back to the veteran.

And, as though the entire ordeal wasn’t unusual enough, later Tuesday, NBC’s Katy Tur tweeted that the veteran who gave Trump the medal told her it was only a duplicate of the medal, not a real Purple Heart.

After the rally, Trump told Gray TV’s Kellie Meyer that he regretted not serving.

For days, Mr Trump’s top advisers and allies have urged him to move on from the feud and focus instead on the economy and the national security record of his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton. He thanked the lieutenant colonel onstage and joked, “I always wanted to get the Purple Heart”.

“She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say”.

Several recent presidential candidates received the Purple Heart-John McCain, John Kerry and Bob Dole-as did John F. Kennedy.

The event comes on the heels of her primetime appearance during last week’s Democratic National Convention. “You can get that baby out of here”.


More than a dozen protestors were ousted from the rally and Trump himself kicked out a mother with her crying baby.

Veteran gives Donald Trump Purple Heart at VA campaign rally