
Khizr Khan lashes out at Trump for accepting Purple Heart from veteran

It is indeed “much easier” to come by one via the Trump school of achievement.


Even though Trump received five deferments exempting him from serving in the military during the Vietnam War, he told the crowd that he has always wanted to receive a Purple Heart. According to records, Dorfman was wounded in action in November 2007 in Iraq.

Trump received four draft deferments for education and one for a medical injury.

This post has been updated. “Put that Purple Heart back on that person’s chest”. In response, Trump said he was “viciously attacked” by Khizr Khan and implied that Ghazala Khan, the soldier’s mother, stood silently alongside her husband during the speech because, as a Muslim, she was restricted her from speaking. “I was fortunate, in a sense, because I was not a believer in the Vietnam war”, Trump said.

I couldn’t imagine anyone who had ever served ever actually wanting to be awarded the Purple Heart.

The Purple Heart is a USA military medal awarded for “being wounded or killed in any action against an enemy of the United States or as a result of an act of any such enemy or opposing armed forces”.

Sure McCain and other Republicans still endorse Trump, but take heart: By a delicious irony, reports suggest the Purple Heart given to Trump was, like all things Trump, a fake.

At a campaign event in Virginia on Tuesday, Trump tried to mend any damage he’d done with members of the military in an unusual way: He accepted a Purple Heart from a veteran in the audience.

“I just thought it was amazing” Trump said. “It’s about asking people who want your vote – who they really plan to work for”.

Hillary Clinton, anointed the Democratic presidential nominee at last week’s convention, jumped on Trump’s remarks. Trump continued to campaign for his run for president of the United States.


So … is anyone going to tell Trump the truth, and does it matter? “I have such confidence in you, ‘” Trump told supporters in Ashburn. By trivializing the sacrifice which Dorfman made in order to receive the award in the first place is incredibly uncivil, and certainly not indicative of presidential material.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at Briar Woods High School Tuesday Aug. 2 2016 in Ashburn Va