
Khizr Khan: Some Republicans are cowards in moral sense

A military mother whose son was deployed to Afghanistan.


Obama was a state senator in IL in 2004.

The back and forth between Trump and the grieving Gold Star family has continued into this week, leading many Republicans to rebuke Trump.

The couple became nationally famous after they appeared at the Democratic National Convention last Thursday night, where Khizr Khan dramatically unveiled a pocket copy of the U.S. Constitution and challenged Trump if he had ever read the document.

Sgt. Angela Annette McIntyre normally patrolled a base in Baqubah, Iraq, each morning with Humayun Khan before he was killed in a auto explosion in 2004, she told Buzzfeed.

“If you make a mistake with your initial comments, have the decency to stop, apologize, and not double down”, Vallone said Tuesday during a media call coordinated by Democrat Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

He said that all the support the family is receiving now is a testament to his son’s “grace”. She said she’s tried to understand Trump’s comments, but finds a lack of compassion.

Ryan initially took issue with Trump after the real estate mogul called for a complete ban on Muslim immigrants entering the country.

Trump tweeted that he does believe that Capt. Khan is an American hero and that “this is about radical Islamic terror” and the failure to eradicate it.

Trump responded in an interview on ABC’s “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos by contending that his “sacrifices” included creating “tens of thousands” of jobs and building “great structures”. Trump criticized him and questioned why his wife did not speak at the convention, implying it had something to do with her faith.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said Tuesday that he is refusing to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan and Sen. “Khan and his family, like all Gold Star families, should be cherished by all the people of the United States”.

The Military Times reported about Trump’s meeting with Gold Star families, providing more details of the roughly 30-minute meeting.

John Hutson, a retired rear admiral and former dean of the University of New Hampshire School of Law, accused Trump of being unfit to serve. “We must always honor our veterans, and their families; many have endured far more than we can ever imagine, and we must always keep in mind to express our gratitude”, Ernst’s statement said. “What gives him the right to say that? All these words and events, and this public reception of us as his parents – this is all under that grace of caring for others”, Khan said.

When the mother of a U.S. Air Force sergeant asked Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence about Mr. Trump’s attacks on the Khans, she was booed by Donald Trump supporters in Carson City, Nevada.


“I didn’t even know it rained in Arizona”, Pence said with a laugh.

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