
‘Kids table’ GOP debators can’t decide how to handle Trump

He also quipped during several portions of the debate about drinking as president and joking about former Sen. Instead, he would strengthen ties with Israel, a move he says will create “a healthier deterrent effect than anything else I can think of”. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal defended his attacks of Trump.


Twitter and social media immediately took notice, also pointing out Jindal’s statement that he had the “backbone” and “bandwidth” to be the President of the United States.

The four Republican presidential candidates who didn’t make the cut for the 11-person prime-time GOP debate met Wednesday for an undercard event at the Ronald Reagan presidential library, each searching for a breakout moment.

Former New York Gov. George Pataki says Trump is “unfit” to be the party’s nominee. “Donald Trump has every right to run for president as a Republican”. How about four debates with four candidates each? A somewhat more moderate voice, he separated himself from Santorum and Jindal by not standing up for Kim Davis, refreshingly noting that the rule of law outweighs the personal beliefs of an elected official. “The best way for us to give this election back [to the Democratic nominee] is to nominate Donald Trump“. They argued about how vigilant – or obstructionist – Senate Republicans should be in trying to thwart the Iran nuclear deal and other parts of President Obama’s agenda.

When Santorum said the focus needs to be fighting for Americans, Graham cried, “Hispanics are Americans!…”

The GOP has been criticized in recent months for the hardline approach many of its presidential candidates have taken on immigration, including Donald Trump.

He made a passionate rebuttal of Santorum’s desire to deport many of the US’s estimated 11 million undocumented people.

Donald Trump isn’t in the second-tier GOP presidential debate but he’s still dominating it. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina noted that he learned his first day in law school that the Supreme Court’s job is to interpret laws. Graham also argued that Hispanic voters are an untapped source of voters for Republicans.


Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul is unveiling a new line of attack against Donald Trump at the opening of tonight’s debate: He’s too brash to lead. Santorum was the only one to back an increase in the minimum wage – something he said was important to the working Americans whose votes Republicans want. And indeed, all three other Republicans in the first Wednesday debate were willing to at least entertain Graham’s unbelievably aggressive proposal.

Journalists candidates and their representatives crowd the spin room after Wednesday night's debate