
Killed in Boko Haram Attack on Market

Boko Haram, a Nigeria-based terror group suspected to be behind the attacks, has since 2009 waged a campaign of violence in Nigeria in an effort to establish an Islamic state.


The report was released today, just one day after a suicide bombing killed 32 people and wounded 80 more at a truck stop in the city of Yola in northeastern Nigera, as HNGN previously reported.

Two explosions blasted the Farm Centre phone market in the northern city of Kano, Nigeria’s second biggest city, shortly after 4pm.

But the report also noted that a majority of countries experienced no deaths from terrorist attacks in 2014, and homicide was responsible for 13 times more deaths than terrorism.

The number of deaths from terrorism increased 80 percent previous year to the highest level ever, with 32,658 people killed in 2014, compared to 18,111 in 2013.

An eyewitness to the Kano suicide bomb attacks that claimed 15 lives, Sani Umar, who lost a brother, disclosed that two women entered the market from different directions, an adult female and a girl not up to 20 years old.

In 2013 Hizbul Mujahideen was the only group in India to use suicide tactics, but in 2014 there were no suicide attacks in India, the report added. As if to underscore the point, Nigeria’s leader ordered the arrest of the former president’s national security adviser for allegedly stealing billions of dollars meant to buy weapons to fight Boko Haram. The group killed 185 people during an attack at the same market in Kano in January 2012. Nigeria’s Defense Headquarters says 30 militants of the Islamic extremist group were killed io Tuesday Oct. 27, 2015 in attacks on the fringes of the Sambisa Forest.


In a post on his Facebook page, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said: “After the Paris attacks last week, we made the decision to use Safety Check for more tragic events like this going forward”. It has forced at least 2.6 million people from their homes, killing at least 17,000 people and abducting hundreds, including the 276 schoolgirls kidnapped in Chibok village in April past year that prompted an global outcry.

Bomb kills at least 31 in Nigerian city of Yola